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Saturday, 12 December 2015

New Lush Products

I picked up these three items in Lush last weekend. It was a successful trip as I managed to get in and out of there without too much interrogation from the staff ʕʔ. The main reason I dived in there on a Saturday was to pick up the I Love Juicy Shampoo...so let's start off with why I did that...

My scalp the last few weeks has been a bit gross. I've been finding that after washing and whilst even in the middle of drying that it feels sticky and waxy around the crown. Which has been getting me down! I read up online about it and it could have been a build up of the chemicals you get in your usual high street shampoo's (sulphates, parabens etc) I was using Pantene at the time (get in the bin).

People recommend rinsing with Apple Cider Vinegar which helps break down that build up and get it out. I wanted a natural shampoo to make sure I wasn't putting any build up back in. I trust Lush to sort this and this is what came up! My scalp was fresh and clear after the first wash *angels singing* Sometimes I still spray some ACV as a rinse too as it makes my hair shiny giving me a halo effect around crown *beyonce singing*

It's known for being strong and stripping the hair so this is my no.1 shampoo right now.

Lush - I Love Juicy Shampoo

Next up I came across the Yuzu & Cocoa Shower Cream. This might be a seasonal one off product but ... the smell. Theres a sort of coconut/ liquorice scent in there somewhere I think (for me anyway). Its an alarmingly thick yellow substance and the scent stays with me the first half of the day. I want to drink it. I did a little research to see what other products you can get in this scent and they used to do a perfume. I would lap that up if it still existed. Please bring that back someone. Just look at that blob.

Finally I picked up a new daily cleanser Lush Ultrabland. My skin is quite irritable this time of year. It seems the weather change makes my forehead really itch and welt up. So I'm up for trying oil based products to help keep that soothed (even though I have oily skin) Can I not have all the skin types plz! I find oil cleansers are good at breaking down make-up gently too so this makes a really nice soft night face wash. The texture is like soft creamy cupcake icing.

So yeah pretty happy with this lot ʕᴥʔ